Sound Ideas

           Episode List

#426 - New Wax, New Grooves #425 - Dealer's Choice #424 - Dealer's Choice #423 - Tone Poet & Acoustic Sounds - Part XIX #422 - Tone Poet Heavyweights - Part XVIII #421 - What's New in 2025? #420 - In Memoriam, 2024, part II #419 - In Memoriam, 2024, part I #418 - 21st Century Christmas Jazz #417 - 20th Century Christmas Jazz #416 - Tone Poet Heavyweights - Part XVII #415 - Checkin' Out: Q, Roy & Lou #414 - Scat, Cat! #413 - Standing the Test of Time #412 - Small Town Contemplation #411 - Great Tenors #410 - Soulful Big Bands #409 - Autumn & October, Again #408 - Smilin' & Upbeat #407 - What's New, Autumn '24? #406 - Jazz Meets Poetry Once Again #405 - Caribbean Vibe #404 - New Sounds From Smoke Sessions #403 - Baseball, Bob & Some Blues #402 - Chill Tunes for a Hot Summer Day #401 - Tone Poet Heavyweights - Part XVI #400 - Happy Birthday Me #399 - Happy Birthday USA #398 - 37 Years Ago I Was Diggin' This #397 - Blue Hue Review No. 19 #396 - Thanks, David #395 - Some Serious Swing #394 - Musical Dance #393 - Finger Poppin' Small & Large #392 - Encompassing Time #391 - Latin Flair #390 - Thanks, Tootie #389 - Tone Poet & Contemporary Sounds - Part XV #388 - Exercising the Mind #387 - Big & Bold #386 - Hard Bop 'til You Drop #385 - Blue Hue Review No. 18 #384 - Time to March #383 - You Know, Joe? #382 - Just Chillin' #381 - Tone Poet Heavyweights - Part XIV #380 - Relatively Recent #379 - Startin' Anew? #378 - Swingin' in the Sky #377 - Bebop & Beyond Holiday #376 - Holidays, Travel & Snow #375 - Tone Poet Heavyweights - Part XIII #374 - Big & Old, Small & New #373 - Swingin' Halloween #372 - More CTI Records #371 - CTI Records #370 - Autumn's Arrival #369 - Less Common Instruments #368 - Toe Tappin' & Finger Poppin' #367 - Singing Outside of the Box #366 - Hard Bop to Hip Hop #365 - Ensemble Singin' that's Swingin' #364 - Tone Poet Heavyweights - Part XII #363 - Smooth Edges #362 - A Smile on Your Face #361 - Joy #360 - Beautiful Ballads #359 - Gettin' Out and About #358 - Tongue 'n Cheek #357 - Diggin' Some Mo' Green #356 - Diggin' Some Green #355 - Tone Poet & Contemporary Sounds - Part XI #354 - Takin' It on the Cool Side #353 - Blue Hue Review No. 17 #352 - Where Did the Time Go? Part III #351 - Where Did the Time Go? Part II #350 - Where Did the Time Go? Part I #349 - The Long & Shorter of it #348 - Cool Cookin' #347 - So Much 2 Say #346 - Lady Day & John Coltrane #345 - Wanderin' for an Hour #344 - A Broader Perspective #343 - Tone Poet & Contemporary Sounds - Part X #342 - Tone Poet Heavyweights - Part IX #341 - Turnin' in the Room Keys #340 - Diggin' St. Vince & Friends #339 - Some All-Time Favorites #338 - Turkey Day Spread #337 - Favorites Revisited #336 - Jazz+ #335 - What's New? #334 - Tracks Less Explored #333 - October, Autumn, etc. #332 - Godspeed Mr. Lewis #331 - The Bookends of Life #330 - Piano Players Performing #329 - Farewell Joey #328 - Journey on the Rails #327 - Simply Straight Ahead #326 - Bones Aplenty #325 - Unusual Instrumentation #324 - Layin' it Down #323 - Quintessentially Quintets #322 - Wishin' on Water #321 - It's All in the Groove #320 - More Paternal Instincts (Father's Day) #319 - Slidin' into Summer #318 - Heatin' Up #317 - Blue Hue Review No. 16 #316 - Comfort Jazz Continues #315 - Comfort Jazz #314 - What's New in '22 too? #313 - What's New in '22? #312 - Movin' #311 - Tone Poet Heavyweights - Part VIII #310 - Lightin' a Fuse #309 - Brash Big Band #308 - Groovin' Right Along #307 - Terrific Tenors #306 - Vocals on Tap #305 - Piano Pyrotechnics #304 - My Dearly Departed #303 - My Dear Departed Past #302 - Christmas Jazz Never Gets Old #301 - A Study in Blue Too #300 - A Study in Blue #299 - Purple or Violet = Cool #298 - November Sounds #297 - Tone Poet & Acoustic Sounds - Part VII #296 - Jazz Has Many Houses #295 - Autumnal Listening #294 - Personal Favorites III #293 - Personal Favorites II #292 - Personal Favorites I #291 - Four Cool Clark(e)s #290 - Swing, Swing, Swing #289 - Saxophoninally Speaking #288 - Looking South #287 - Snarky Stuff #286 - Lunar Tunes #285 - Tone Poet & Acoustic Sounds - Part VI #284 - Swingin' All the Way #283 - Current Grooves #282 - California Homeland #281 - Turnin' It All Around #280 - Happy Go Lucky? #279 - Expectin' the Unexpected #278 - Latin Sounds #277 - Swingin' Standards and Big Bands #276 - What's New? #275 - Waiting #274 - The Beat Moves On #273 - Blue Hue Review No. 15 #272 - Checking Out Chick, Who Checked Out #271 - Life's Challenges #270 - Tone Poet Heavyweights - Part V #269 - Groovin' Along the Way #268 - Seeking a New Day #267 - Island Trips #266 - Departed Cats - Part II #265 - Departed Cats - Part I #264 - Yuletide that Swings #263 - Stuffy Turkey #262 - Stringin' Along #261 - Tone Poet Heavyweights - Part IV #260 - Tone Poet Heavyweights - Part III #259 - Halloween Spooks Return #258 - Smooth Around the Edges #257 - Jazz Reflects on Classical #256 - Hangin' with Hep Cats #255 - Triumphant Trios #254 - Centurion Parker #253 - Blue Hue Review No. 14 #252 - Semiquincentennial Lollapalooza +2 #251 - Semiquincentennial Lollapalooza +1 #250 - Semiquincentennial Lollapalooza #249 - Drivin' Through Life #248 - Soulful Sounds #247 - Ridin' the Rails #246 - Soulful Spontaneity #245 - Swingin' Big Bands #244 - Jimmy and Lennie #243 - Sunshine and Summer #242 - Summer and Sunshine #241 - Dealer's Choice II #240 - Dealer's Choice #239 - Bye, Bye, Richie #238 - Eternal Flame #237 - Suddenly Gone #236 - Funky, Funky, Soul #235 - A Lot of Swing #234 - Powerin' On Thru #233 - Latin Flair #232 - Piano, Trumpet, and Tenor #231 - The Classic Groove #230 - Mellow Moods #229 - Chillin' and Groovin' #228 - 2 for 1, With or Without #227 - Completing the Cycle #226 - The Quiet Storm #225 - Cool Cats Who Checked Out #224 - Christmas Cheer #223 - Songs Sung #222 - Tone Poet Heavyweights - Part II #221 - Tone Poet Heavyweights - Part I #220 - Trios and Time Change #219 - Halloween Spooks #218 - Organ, Big Band, and Brazil #217 - Artistic Journey Through Time #216 - Blue Hue Review No. 13 #215 - Peace Is Where You Find It #214 - Starry-Eyed Standards #213 - Great Grooves and Guitars #212 - Chillin' with Old Friends #211 - New Gems #210 - Big Bad Band #209 - American Classic #208 - Memories, Journeys, and Change #207 - Organizationally Sound #206 - Summer and BBQ #205 - Sax and Stuff #204 - Old and New Coming Together #203 - Things We Heard Today #202 - Lifetime - Part III #201 - Lifetime - Part II #200 - Two Centuries and a Lifetime #199 - Blue Hue Review No. 12 #198 - Jazz Ain't Nothing But Soul #197 - Chillin' With a Few Friends #196 - Small, Large, and Medium #195 - An Adventurous Stroll #194 - Oscar, With Love #193 - What Comes to Mind #192 - Word Jazz and Poetry #191 - Greasy Grooves #190 - A Little Decompression #189 - The Darker Hue #188 - Love and Friendship #187 - Tell the Whole Story #186 - Tinklin' the Ivories #185 - Cold, Dark, Stormy & Windy Winter #184 - Turnin' the Corner #183 - Transitions 2018 #182 - End of Year Joy #181 - Giving Thanks #180 - The More, The Merrier #179 - Flights, Skies, and Stars #178 - Stop and Listen to the Music #177 - Blue Hue Review No. 11 #176 - Stretchin' Out #175 - Some Familiar Feelings #174 - Cool Grooves #173 - Bigger Is Better #172 - Hearty Hard Bop #171 - In Search of... #170 - Songs of Summer #169 - Swingin' Incredibles #168 - The Indelible Groove #167 - Chillin' with a Hard Edge #166 - Blue Hue Review No. 10 #165 - Light Hearted, Not Light Headed #164 - Not the Hits #163 - Removing the Hat, Once Again #162 - Green is the Color #161 - Chillin' and Chattin' #160 - Second Century Jazz, a 2nd Time #159 - Second Century Jazz #158 - An Alternative Reality #157 - The Only Constant Is Change #156 - Waiting #155 - Live, Long, and on the Edge #154 - New and/or Renewed #153 - Well, Organized #152 - Blue Hue Review No. 9 #151 - Cycling Through Reality #150 - Transitions #149 - The Most Wonderful Time to Swing #148 - Yule Beboppin' #147 - Blue Hue Review No. 8 #146 - Autumn, Fall, and Travels #145 - Fairy Tales #144 - California AKA The West Coast #143 - Happy Time Tunes #142 - A Tad Chill #141 - Hard Bop ReBop #140 - Getting into the Groove #139 - More Jazz in Uncommon Time #138 - Fresh Sounds and Interpretations #137 - Large Ensembles #136 - The Orange and Yellow of Summer #135 - The Color Red #134 - Pining Blue #133 - 10:00 Minute Minimum #132 - Blue Hue Review No. 7 #131 - Looking South For Direction #130 - Al Fly Home #129 - Slightly Different #128 - Mood Swings #127 - More Jazz in TV #126 - Kick Starter Grooves #125 - Remembering Those Who Passed #124 - Swingin' Yule #123 - Christmas Grooves #122 - Blue and Green Xmas #121 - The Most Wonderful Time of the Year #120 - Piano Players - Part VI #119 - Piano Players - Part V #118 - Piano Players - Part IV #117 - Piano Players - Part III #116 - Piano Players - Part II #115 - Piano Players - Part I #114 - Autumn and October #113 - Jump, Jive, An' Wail #112 - Takin' My Time #111 - A Fresh Take on a Proven Concept #110 - Blue Hue Review No. 6 #109 - Bobby, Jean, and Rudy #108 - A Solid Swingin' Affair #107 - The Coast, Water, and Sea #106 - Soul Food #105 - Thelonious Sphere Monk #104 - Tightknit Vocal Harmonies #103 - Beyond Mainstream #102 - Reaching for a Broader Truth #101 - Time Marches On #100 - Working through Life's Emotions   #99 - Freedom's Anniversary   #98 - Taking the Stand and Taking Charge   #97 - Paternal Instinct (Father's Day)   #96 - Relaxin' on a Summer Evening   #95 - The Music of Bill Holman   #94 - Listening at Jazz Camp   #93 - Blue Hue Review No. 5   #92 - Fresh Sounds   #91 - Jazz of Canada, eh?   #90 - A Family Affair   #89 - Jazz Brothers   #88 - Swingin' Along Down the Road   #87 - Friday Night Meets Sunday Morning   #86 - A Trio of Suites   #85 - Sun   #84 - Rain   #83 - Turning It Around   #82 - Reflecting on Human Interaction   #81 - Bouncing Angular   #80 - Horace Ward Martin Tavares Silver   #79 - Poetry, Jazz, and the Beat   #78 - Slightly Bigger Band   #77 - Jazz in 3:00 Time   #76 - Deep Exploration   #75 - Remembrance   #74 - Reflection   #73 - Celebration   #72 - Have Yourself a Very Merry Xmas   #71 - A Not So Blue Xmas   #70 - The Twelve Swings of Christmas   #69 - Blue Hue Review No. 4   #68 - Autumn   #67 - A Point in Time   #66 - Jazz from Outer Space   #65 - An Hour's Slice   #64 - Bad or Blue?   #63 - The Number Four   #62 - Sir Charles Birdingly Parker   #61 - Groovin' Along   #60 - Affirming the Goal   #59 - Taking a Walk Outside   #58 - Improv Is What It's About   #57 - Swingin' Songs   #56 - Tracks in Between   #55 - Winding Down   #54 - Afro-Cuban Sounds   #53 - Big Band and Boogie   #52 - Spring Has Sprung   #51 - 1 Brecker, 2, and 3   #50 - Thought About Thinking   #49 - Hard Bop and Some Blues   #48 - Something Old and Something New   #47 - Soul Jazz   #46 - Subtly Swingin'   #45 - Just Because   #44 - Yuletide Treats   #43 - Piano, Weather, and the Donald   #42 - Trying Something New   #41 - Blue Hue Review No. 3   #40 - Female Vocalists   #39 - Jazz in TV   #38 - Chillin' Out   #37 - Nocturnal Thoughts   #36 - Magic, Piano, and Blues   #35 - Exploration and Exposition   #34 - Latin Jazz   #33 - Remembering Sunday Nite   #32 - Organized   #31 - Good Vibes   #30 - Rent Party   #29 - Top Notch Listening Music   #28 - A Jazz Oasis   #27 - Jazz Rock Fusion   #26 - Jazz in Uncommon Time   #25 - Steve Allen Interviews   #24 - Straight Talk   #23 - Jazz for Listening   #22 - Big Band Jazz   #21 - Musical Joy   #20 - Cool School   #19 - Hot and Mellow   #18 - Blue Hue Review No. 2   #17 - Stretching the Edge   #16 - Christmas Jazz   #15 - Simple Creativity   #14 - Creative Expression   #13 - Celebration of Song   #12 - Playing in Jazz Band   #11 - Blue Hue Review No. 1   #10 - Deep Cuts     #9 - Favorite Chair     #8 - People, Past and Present     #7 - Musical Tootsie Pop     #6 - Audio Odyssey     #5 - Feeling Good     #4 - Cruising in San Francisco     #3 - Running the Circuit     #2 - Ground Transportation     #1 - Art at Its Best

#341 Turnin' in the Room Keys

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Life is a precious gift with an unknown, but inevitable expiration date. It is said that the Jazz life is a hard life, but a Jazz death is all the much harder for those left behind. However, with recordings we are fortunate to have a lasting glimpse into these creative souls who laid down tracks in wax. In this hour we will remember a few jazz musicians who turned in their room keys during 2022.

Artist Track Album
Ronnie Cuber Motivation Four
Jaimie Branch Simple Silver Surfer FLY or DIE II: Bird Dogs of Paradise
Pharoah Sanders Tina The Creator Has a Master Plan
Mark Levine & the Latin Tinge Mr. Natural Serengeti
Ernie Andrews Articulated Blues / Parker's Mood The Many Faces of Ernie Andrews
Grachan Moncur III Monk  in Wonderland Evolution
Beegie Adair Can't Buy Me Love Yesterday -
   A Solo Piano Tribute to the Beatles
Ramsey Lewis Since I Fell for You The In Crowd
Joey DeFrancesco Rhythm-A-Ning Part III